Here at Ty Bear Books Publishing  we look to help Inspiring Creators make a difference through their creative nature in writing, or other avenues, by publishing a book or other medium in whatever niche they prefer.


Are you looking to Publish your creative writing?  You know, your first novel or self-help book, or your book of poems and short stories?  How about your latest artwork?  Well, through your work of creativity you can choose to inspire or move a person as well as comfort and uplift someone.

How you may ask?  Well, it’s quite simple.

When writing a poem, or a book of them, the sorrow in it may help the reader to relate to it.  While the love or joy in it may give them hope.  A self-help book can be a great road map for someone’s life or to their success.  Just as a children’s book can help a child to begin to understand life lessons.


There are many ways an Inspired Creator can publish their work to touch people in this world.  They say pictures are worth a thousand words, so then I’m sure a creative artist can draw a great narrative.  I’ve also heard that music is the elixir of one’s soul; well there are stories of music making great headway in the medical field.  Being creative is not just limited to creative writing.  It is about using your talents in a way that is unique to you.



It is completely up to you on how you decide to use your skill in order to positively affect a person’s life.  With so much negativity going on in this world, we at Ty Bear Books Publishing feel that this is a great platform to affect others when you publish your own brand of creativity.

An Inspiring Creator is nothing more than a person who has decided to hone and nurture their creative gifts and skills to a point to where they are ready to share their talents with the world…  Let Ty Bear Books Publishing help you to publish your creative desires.


Are You An Inspired Creator?


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